21,30 | PIAZZA GRANDEConcerto di chiusura
Orchestra del Royal Northern College of Music di Manchester
Corale Poliziana / Judy Diodato, direttore
Corale "J. Arcadelt" di Chiusi / Barbara Valdambrini, direttore
Corale "G. Verdi" di Arcidosso / Massimo Muratori, direttore
Roland Böer, direttore
Sylvie Valayre (Senta, Aida), Soprano
Martina Belli (Amneris), Mezzo-Soprano
Antonio Coriano (Radames),Tenore
Carsten Süss (Erik), Tenore
Ralf Lukas (Holländer), Baritono
Olivier Grand (Amonasro), Baritono
Thorsten Grümbel (Daland, Ramfis), Basso
Wagner, L’Olandese volante (grandi pagine)
Britten, Four sea interludes, da Peter Grimes
Verdi, Aida, Atto terzo
The Elizabeth Connell Memorial Concert
London, St. John's Smith Square, 27 April 2013 A concert to celebrate the life and career of Liza Connell and launch her prize for young dramatic sopranos. The concert will feature young, promising talents as well as internationally established opera stars
Yvonne Kenny, Thomas Moser, Stuart Skelton, Dennis O'Neill, Kathryn Harries, Julian Gavin
G. Bizet - CARMEN
Sylvie Valayre
Soirée de prestige
A Tribute to French Soprano
Ninon Vallin
Con grande successo, Sylvie Valayre ha appena debuttato la parte di Senta nell'Olandese volante di...
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On the 27th of April 2013, Sylvie Valayre could be heard in a concert in memory of Elizabeth...
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Beethoven – "Egmont", overture
Beethoven – Fidelio - Leonora's aria:...
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